Do not upset to read this post title, what the meaning of Tukang nggame? heheh..., that was indonesian languange, which mean gamers. And why i gave the title become tukang nggame it's not easy? mybe not all people know about this, this is the one of SEO contest for blogger's with the topic game and i feel difficultly to optimize keyword tukang nggame that's why i choose the post title.
Many trick to optimize keyword at your content that was not easy, because you need some creativity in the process use the word of tukang nggame, many tricks seo i read to optimize keyword, try to read a snippet of the article below:
Use one of the top variations in your article title. Use the same phrase a couple times through the post itself. Tag it with the same wording. If you write about it a lot, establish a category for it. Pick a couple of the top search results and run them as themes through your site.
And i try to learn to be tukang SEO from that article, do you have the else? you can share...
Many blogger's know keyword games that was top keyword at search engine, you are still confused in choosing the right keywords, try to check tukang nggame at google trends, how much people search keyword every day's. And to be tukang SEO.., feel free to write your content, join with me at tukang nggame SEO contest.
sana sini kontes..
wedehh om juned kok pake bahasa linggis yap?terjemahannya kira-kira tentang kontes yap om hehehe kaburrrrrrrr
ReplyDeletegood luck for 'da contest bro.. :D