Tukang Nggame SEO contest

Tukang nggame SEO contest: The contest is held by yudistira for the blogger with the keyword "Tukang Nggame" is brisk SEO contest in this nation. Contest nggame, which began on 21 February 2009 - 1 July 2009, which of course can sharpen your ability in SEO, so.. if you are the blogger let's join tukang nggame SEO contest.

Rewards offered was so interesting, amount of the big money that can attract you to attend this contest, see the bellow details prize of tukang nggame SEO contest:
  • First winner : 1,5 million rupiah
  • Second winner : 1 million rupiah
  • Third winner : 500 thousand rupiah
For bloggers who want to follow this nggame SEO contes way it is easy enough just to register your blog here, and you must remember, optimized keyword at this seo contest is Tukang Nggame and competition based on the assessment results from search engine google, show your SEO power at tukang nggame.


  1. wow semakin banyak ajah nih om yang bikin kontes yap.sukses terus om

  2. Wah sudah daftar ya kang, saya baru mau daftar, coba coba :)

  3. nyoba juga ah.... :-D sukses ya
