Bagaimana Mengatasi Annoying Colleague

Dizaman sekarang ini sepertinya kantor sudah bisa disebut sebagai rumah kedua untuk semua karyawannya. Gimana enggak, kalau sehari kita bisa menghabiskan 9-12 jam dikantor. Tidak heran, masalah-masalah kecil yang terjadi dilingkungan kantor cendrung akan menjadi besar, apalagi yang berhubungan dengan rekan kerja. Dan biasanya masalah-masalah yang terjadi disebabkan oleh faktor behavior/sikap.

Apa saja sih sikap yang bisa mengganggu hubungan dengan rekan kerja?

1. Nge-gank
Ini adalah hal yang paling annoying disemua lingkungan kerja. Kalau Anda tidak termasuk dalam grup tertentu, maka akan ada perasaan tidak diterima, yang nantinya bisa membuat semangat kerja jadi berkurang. Dan masalah nge-gank ini tidak hanya membuat seseorang jadi terlihat tidak profesional, tapi juga bisa menyakiti perasaan orang lain yang sulit untuk diungkapkan. Bahkan yang terparah bisa sampai membuat orang frustrasi dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk berhenti dari pekerjaannya.

2. Rumpi
Yang paling membuat iritasi dalam lingkungan kerja adalah, sekumpulan perempuan yang suka ngerumpi tiada akhir. Ngomongin soal baju, kosmetik, perhiasan dan lain-lain. Bahkan tidak jarang barang-barang itu dijual oleh salah satu karyawan dikantor. Padahal sebenarnya itu adalah tindakan yang sangat tidak profesional. Kalo obrolannya masih seputaran hal-hal yang umum sih tidak masalah. Tapi kalau diantara karyawan sudah ada yang saling berbisik untuk membicarakan sesuatu, ini yang harus dihindari, karena bisa membuat karyawan lain merasa tidak nyaman, dan pastinya hal ini sangat-sangat tidak profesional.

3. Munafik
Suka bermanis-manis di depan seseorang tapi menusuk dari belakang adalah hal yang tidak pernah bisa diterima dilingkungan manapun. Apalagi dilingkungan kerja, ini akan membuat seseorang menjadi tidak dipercaya, yang akan memberi efek pada hubungan kerja dan juga produktivitas.

4. Rekan Kerja yang annoying
Hal lain yang juga bisa sangat mengganggu adalah lingkungan yang berisik, atau tetangga sebelah yang suka makan di meja kerjanya dan tidak jarang menjatuhkan makanan dilantai, atau tetangga yang suka menaruh file-filenya sembarangan, bahkan kadang-kadang sampai ke meja Anda. Setiap orang punya standard masing-masing untuk urusan kebersihan dan kerapihan, dan kalau standard itu tidak terpenuhi, bisa jadi membuat seseorang jadi kurang termotivasi untuk bekerja.

5. Berbicara Keras
Lingkungan kantor biasanya adalah lingkungan yang formal, jadi yang namanya etika juga harus dijaga. Berbicara dengan suara yang keras tentunya bisa membuat orang lain merasa terganggu. Yang paling menyebalkan dan biasanya sering dilakukan seseorang dikantor adalah, berbicara ditelfon dengan suara yang keras. Kesan yang ditimbulkan dari orang yang suka berbicara keras-keras dilingkungan kantor adalah, orang tersebut dicap tidak sopan dan kurang beretika. Jadi ada baiknya untuk sedikit merendahkan suara ketika berbicara ditelfon.

Nah, bagaimana cara mengatasi semua hal di atas? Sebagai seorang individu, ada beberapa hal yang bisa membantu kita menghindari hal-hal buruk yang disebabkan oleh rekan kerja :

1. Hindari hal yang bisa menjurus pada fitnah.
Tidak usah mulai membicarakan orang lain yang tidak masuk kerja misalnya. Simple rule yang satu ini benar-benar bermanfaat untuk menjaga lingkungan kerja yang sehat.

2. Perhatikan yang namanya feedback
Kalau tiba-tiba Anda merasa ada seorang rekan kerja yang tiba-tiba menjauh, coba cari tahu apakah ada satu hal yang pernah Anda lakukan padanya dan membuat dia kecewa atau marah. Kalau jawabannya adalah iya, maka Anda harus mencari tahu tentang perasaan dari si rekan kerja dan meminta maaf, ingat jangan bersikap defensive untuk yang satu ini. Karena kalau ia sudah bisa bersikap terbuka akan apa yang dirasakannya, akan semakin mudah untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

3. Hormati Sesama
Sejak kecil kita selalu diajarkan untuk bisa saling menghormati. Jadi hormatilah semua orang yang ada dikantor tanpa membedakan statusnya. Mulai dari bos sampai dengan office boy harus bisa mendapatkan penghormatan yang sama.

4. Jangan lupa formalitas
Biasanya, karena sudah terlalu akrab dengan rekan kerja, obrolan juga bisa lebih santai. Tapi bukan berarti jadi lupa dengan formalitas kantor. Bercanda berlebihan bisa membuat orang lain tersinggung dan akhirnya jadi merusak hubungan.

Jadi, mengakrabkan diri dengan rekan-rekan kerja memang sebuah keharusan agar pekerjaan juga bisa berjalan dengan baik. Tapi, jangan sampai melupakan etika-etika yang berlaku agar tidak terjadi kesalah pahaman yang bisa menjurus pada perselisihan.

Tips menggunakan Eyeliner dan Maskara

Dua benda di atas untuk para perempuan adalah things they can't live without it! Karena dua benda tadilah yang bisa membuat penampilan seorang perempuan menjadi berbeda, terutama dibagian mata, menjadi lebih hidup dan ekspresif.
Untuk itu dalam pemilihannya juga harus diperhatikan, begitu juga dengan pemakaiannya, supaya bisa mendapatkan penampilan yang diinginkan:

Untuk eyeliner :
  • Yang berjenis pensil akan memberikan hasil yang tipis dan natural, sedangkan yang berjenis cair bisa menciptakan ukuran yang lebih tebal dengan efek yang lebih seksi dan dramatis.
  • Untuk mengaplikasikan eyeliner jenis padat atau cake gunakanlan kuas yang pipih tapi agak runcing. Ini bertujuan untuk membentuk garis dengan rapi.
  • Cobalah membuka setengah mulut anda waktu menggambar garis mata menggunakan eyeliner, karena ini bisa membantu otot mata kita lebih rileks.
  • Sapu dengan tisu ujung eyeliner setiap kali sebelum menggambar, ini bertujuan untuk membersihkan eyeliner dari bakteri yang mungkin masuk ke mata saat kita menggunakannya.
  • Kalau Anda ingin menggunakan eyeliner jenis cair, mulailah dengan menggambar menggunakan pensil terlebih dahulu baru kemudian ditimpa dengan eyeliner.
  • Bila Anda lebih memilih eyeliner jenis cake, untuk hasil yang rapi dan tahan lama, basuh dengan sedikit air terlebih dahulu.
  • Hindari menyambung ujung garis mata atas dengan bawah karena ini akan membuat mata Anda terlihat lebih kecil.
  • Jangan gunakan eyeliner jenis cair untuk menggambar bagian bawah mata. Sebaiknya pilih pensil Kohl.
  • Gunakan cotton bud untuk mengangkat semua kotoran dan merapikan tata rias di ujung mata.
Untuk maskara:
  • Pilihlah maskara yang sesuai denga tipe bulu mata dan fungsi yang Anda inginkan (mempertebal, memperlentik, dan sebagainya).
  • Tahukah Anda jika maskara bersikat kecil dengan tabung kecil akan lebih baik daripada sikat besar dengan tabung yang besar pula, karena ini akan memompa udara lebih banyak dan menyebabkan maskara jadi cepat mengering.
  • Pilih maskara dari merk apa saja karena semuanya memiliki formula yang sama, yang membedakan hanya jenis sikatnya saja.
  • Jangan lupa untuk membersihkan bulu mata Anda sebelum tidur. Karena maskara yang tertinggal akan membuat bulu mata jadi mudah rontok.
  • Hindari saling meminjam maskara, dengan teman sekalipun, karena akan menyebabkan mata terinfeksi.
  • Bila sisi maskara Anda mengendap di dasar tabung, coba rendam tabung dengan air hangat atau bisa juga dengan melapisi sikat maskara menggunakan petroleum jelly.
  • Jangan sekali-kali menarik bulu mata saat membersihkannya. Ini akan membuat kulit Anda menjadi rapuh dan kendur.
Sudah siap untuk wajah cantik dengan eyeliner dan maskara?

Wanita dan Karier

Semua bisnis dibidang apapun pastinya membutuhkan modal untuk bisa sukses. Apakah itu bisnis yang Anda rancang sendiri mulai dari konsep, modal sampai pengerjaannya, atau bisnis dengan tipe franchise, semua membutuhkan modal. Kalau Anda berpikir bisa memulai bisnis tanpa uang sebagai modal, sepertinya itu adalah sebuah pemikiran yang salah. Dan menariknya, inilah letak perbedaan pria dan wanita dalam urusan memulai sebuah bisnis.

Pria biasanya mengumpulkan modal terlebih dahulu sebelum memulai sebuah bisnis, walaupun modal yang harus dikumpulkan cukup besar. Beda dengan wanita, kebanyakan dari kita memulai sebuah bisnis tanpa modal. Lalu ditengah jalan mencoba untuk bertahan dan akhirnya frustasi, lalu bangkrut dan mengakhiri semuanya. Banyak orang bilang kalau para pria berbisnis untuk menghasilkan uang, sedangkan wanita berbisnis hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Mungkin ini yang menyebabkan mengapa para pria bisnisnya bisa berkembang pesat, sedangkan para wanita lebih sering hanya sampai pada titik survive saja.

Kalau Anda berniat untuk berbisnis, Anda pasti membutuhkan uang, titik! Jadi, ketika akan mulai berbisnis, pilihlah brand yang bagus dan pastikan bisnisnya adalah sesuatu yang bisa Anda kerjakan. Dan jangan lupa untuk benar-benar menanyakan segala hal tentang brand tersebut, dan make sure kalau itu adalah real business alias bukan tipuan. Beberapa pertanyaan yang mungkin akan muncul, sebenarnya harus ditanyakan pada diri Anda sendiri.

Seperti pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini :
1. Seberapa nyaman Saya ketika harus berhubungan dengan urusan penjualan? Apakah Saya benar-benar mengerti proses penjualan? dan bagaimana cara menjual yang baik? Kalau Anda merasa tidak nyaman untuk melakukannya, Anda hanya akan melakukan sebuah perjuangan sia-sia. Let's face it. Diperusahaan-perusahaan besar, proses penjualan dilakukan oleh orang-orang tertentu yang khusus melakukan penjualan, sedangkan sebagai seorang solo-preneur, Anda yang akan turun langsung sebagai penjual.

2. Apakah Saya percaya dengan produk yang saya jual? Logikanya seperti ini, ketika Anda menggunakan, menyukai, dan mempercayai sebuah produk, tentunya akan lebih mudah untuk menjualnya. Yang harus diingat, jangan pernah memulai sebuah bisnis hanya karena Anda ingin cepat kaya. Mulailah sebuah bisnis karena Anda percaya atas apa yang akan dijalani, maka dengan sendirinya uang akan mengikuti kesuksesan Anda. Good luck!

Bos Genit? Bagaimana anda menghadapinya??

Punya bos yang baik dan penuh perhatian pastinya menyenangkan. Hubungan yang tidak ada "Gap" juga bisa membuat urusan pekerjaan bisa diselesaikan dengan baik. Tapi bagaimana kalau kebaikannya sudah mulai berlebihan dan menjurus ke hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan? Bagaimana cara mengatasinya?

Awalnya sih hanya sekedar menunjukkan perhatian-perhatian kecil, seperti menanyakan apakah kita sudah makan siang atau belum, menanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam pekerjaan, dsb. Tapi, lama-lama kok perhatiannya jadi mulai berlebihan ya? Menawarkan untuk mengantarkan pulang, padahal rumahnya dan rumah Anda tidak searah, sering mengajak makan siang bersama, sampai ke hal-hal yang membuat keadaan menjadi tidak nyaman. Seperti menarikkan kursi di ruang meeting, berbicara terlalu dekat ketika sedang memeriksa pekerjaan Anda, melakukan sentuhan fisik, sampai sering mencuri-curi kesempatan untuk merangkul. Duh, risih ya? Padahal, kalau mengingat statusnya yang sudah berkeluarga, sepertinya semua hal yang dilakukannya pada Anda adalah satu hal yang sangat tidak baik.

Apa yang harus Anda lakukan?

1. Profesional
Apapun yang dilakukan oleh si bos terhadap Anda, tetaplah bersikap profesional. Lakukan semua yang menjadi tugas Anda seperti biasa, dan sebisa mungkin tidak berada terlalu dekat dengannya.

2. Just say it!
Kalau Anda sudah merasa sangat terganggu dengan sikapnya, just say it! Katakan kalau Anda merasa tidak nyaman dengan sikapnya yang terlalu dekat. Sentuhan-sentuhan fisik yang dengan sengaja dilakukannya membuat Anda merasa tidak nyaman, karena hubungan Anda dengannya adalah hubungan yang profesional, tidak lebih. Yang perlu Anda ketahui adalah, semua sentuhan fisik yang terjadi tanpa persetujuan kedua belah pihak dan membuat keadaan yang tidak nyaman disalah satu pihak termasuk dalam sexual harassment. Jadi Anda berhak untuk mencegah agar hal ini tidak terjadi. Karena kalau Anda hanya diam, maka bukan tidak mungkin akan ada hal-hal yang lebih tidak menyenangkan lagi dimasa yang akan datang. Sentuhan fisik adalah hal yang tidak wajar terjadi di lingkungan kerja, apalagi dilakukan oleh orang yang memiliki kekuasaan. Jadi, jangan pernah takut untuk mengatakan ini.

3. Jangan pernah sendirian
Lakukan tindakan preventive sebelum semuanya terlanjur. Salah satunya adalah, jangan pernah membiarkan diri Anda berada seorang diri bersamanya. Karena keadaan itu akan membuat si bos merasa semakin leluasa untuk melakukan flirtation.

4. Alihkan perhatian
Kalau Anda merasa si bos mulai bersikap tidak wajar, alihkan perhatiannya. Tanyakan soal kabar istri dan anak-anaknya, dan ceritakan juga soal keadaan suami dan anak-anak Anda. Kalau Anda belum menikah, coba ceritakan soal rencana pernikahan Anda dan pasangan. Ini bisa membuatnya sadar akan statusnya dan merasa malu pada Anda atas sikapnya selama ini.

5. Professional help
Kalau semua hal diatas tidak berpengaruh terhadap sikap bos ke Anda, segeralah mencari pertolongan dari ahlinya. Laporkan semua sikapnya itu ke HRD manager, kalau perlu Anda menunjukkan bukti-bukti berupa video atau foto dari kejadian tidak menyenangkan yang pernah Anda alami bersama bos. Jangan takut laporan Anda akan membawa dampak buruk untuk kelanjutan karir Anda. Karena sudah menjadi hak seorang karyawan untuk bisa mendapatkan suasana yang nyaman dalam bekerja.

So ladies, bos genit? No way!

Mulailah berhemat dari sekarang

Kenaikan harga BBM yang masih hangat-hangatnya, memicu kenaikan harga-harga kebutuhan pokok, yang tidak diikuti oleh kenaikan penghasilan. Hasilnya, pengeluaran bulanan semakin bertambah sementara sumbernya masih sama. Jangan sampai jadi besar pasak daripada tiang nih, jadi harus segera disiasati pengelolaan keuangan agar semua kebutuhan tetap bisa terpenuhi, plus kebutuhan untuk investasi juga tidak boleh terganggu. Bagaimana caranya?

Kalau selama ini Anda menyimpan dana untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, biaya sekolah anak, dana liburan sampai dengan tabungan hari tua hanya dalam satu rekening saja, sepertinya sekarang kebiasaan tersebut harus dirubah. Milikilah beberapa rekening untuk memisahkan masing-masing pengeluaran. Tujuannya adalah, agar semua pengeluaran bisa tercukupi dan terkontrol dengan baik, sementara dana untuk investasi juga tidak terganggu.

Pertama, buatlah master budget pendapatan Anda dan suami. Lalu buat pula anggaran biaya bulanan rutin, seperti biaya kebutuhan sehari-hari, biaya sekolah anak, lifestyle budget sampai dengan dana untuk liburan. Dengan rancangan ini Anda bisa menentukan jenis tabungan yang akan dipergunakan untuk masing-masing pengeluaran. Dan sebelum memutuskan, pelajarilah benefit yang akan Anda peroleh dari masing-masing rekening tabungan.

Setelah membuat perencanaan anggaran, mulailah membagi-bagi dana yang akan ditabung sesuai dengan kebutuhannnya. Yang harus diingat adalah, untuk dana pembayaran hutang atau cicilan besarnya tidak boleh lebih dari 30% dari total penghasilan Anda.

Pertanyaannya adalah, apakah dengan memiliki banyak rekening tidak akan menguras uang Anda untuk membayar biaya administrasinya setiap bulan? Kalau penghasilan Anda dan suami besarnya mendekati Rp 10.000.000 atau lebih perbulannya, biaya administrasi bank setiap bulannya sepertinya tidak akan menjadi masalah. Yang akan menjadi masalah jika penghasilan Anda dan suami setiap bulannya tidak mencapai Rp 5.000.000.

Nah, kalau begini keadaannya, bagaimana cara menyiasatinya? Mudah saja, tidak perlu membuka rekening banyak di bank. Cukup lakukan cara sederhana yang sering kita lakukan zaman sekolah dulu. Gunakan saja amplop yang telah diberi label masing-masing pengeluaran, amplop warna warni akan memudahkan Anda untuk menghafal amplop dan jenis pengeluarannya. Yang penting Anda disiplin untuk memasukkan uang dengan jumlah yang sama setiap bulannya untuk masing-masing anggaran.

Dengan pengalokasian dana yang benar dan disiplin yang baik dalam mengatur anggaran, bukan tidak mungkin Anda dan suami bisa mendapatkan kehidupan hari tua yang tenang.

Cantik ala Strawberry

Sedikit asam, berwarna merah dan dipenuhi jerawat dikulit. Ternyata si imut berjerawat yang kita kenal dengan sebutan strawberry ini punya banyak manfaat loh untuk kecantikan dan kesehatan.

Wajah bersih dan bercahaya pastinya jadi dambaan setiap wanita. Tapi, bagaimana kalau tiba-tiba flek hitam muncul? Kepanikan pasti enggak bisa dihindari. Krim pelembablah, tabir suryalah, semua langsung dipakai untuk menutupi flek-flek hitam.

Tapi sekarang, enggak perlu khawatir lagi. Karena ada cara yang lebih alami untuk mengusir noda hitam diwajah, yang pastinya jauh lebih baik daripada krim-krim yang mengandung bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya. Cukup dengan mengoleskan buah strawberry pada wajah, atau bisa juga diperas dan diambil airnya lalu di tambah dengan susu, dioleskan pada wajah, lalu dibilas dengan air mawar, agar kulit wajah lebih fresh dan bercahaya.

Selain itu, kandungan pigmen antosianin dan juga antioksidannya yang tinggi, strawberry juga mampu menangkal radikal bebas yang bisa memperlambat proses penuaan.

Nah, konsentrasi tujuh zat anti oksidan yang ada pada strawberry, ternyata lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan buah atau sayuran yang lain, sehingga strawberry didaulat sebagai buah yang sangat efektif untuk mencegah proses oksidasi pada tubuh, yaitu hancurnya jaringan tubuh karena radikal bebas

Tidak hanya itu saja, buah yang bisa dijadikan untuk spa aromateraphy ini juga kaya akan serat, rendah kalori, kaya vitamin c dan folat, serta potassium dan asam ellagic. Nah, karena banyaknya kandungan zat yang dimiliki itulah strawberry aman untuk dikonsumsi setiap hari. Malah jika dimakan secara teratur strawberry juga bisa menghaluskan kulit dan membuat kulit jadi lebih cerah. Enggak sampai disitu saja, ternyata strawberry juga bisa menekan resiko serangan jantung dan tekanan darah tinggi. Wow!

Rambut yang pecah-pecah juga bisa diatasi dengan strawberry. Coba deh creambath dengan buah strawberry. Khasiatnya sama kok dengan krim susu dan krim melon, tapi buah yang satu ini punya efek yang labih wangi.

Masih kurang? Tenang, strawberry juga cocok untuk Anda yang bermasalah dengan proses pencernaan. Karena buah ini banyak mengandung serat, sehingga baik untuk saluran pencernaan. Jadi bisa menguatkan usus dan memperlancar buang air besar. Selain itu, juga bermanfaat untuk mencegah kanker payudara. Malah, orang-orang dulu menggunakannnya untuk mengatasi encok, radang sendi bahkan diabetes. Selamat mencoba!

10 Things in bed

Kehidupan seks yang baik antara sepasang suami istri dipercaya bisa membuat sebuah pernikahan makin langgeng. Tapi sayang, terkadang kehidupan seks jadi kurang bergairah. Hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Nah, supaya kehidupan seks dengan pasangan bisa terus bergairah, pelajari deh 10 hal yang bisa membuat para pria merasa terganggu ditempat tidur, dan pelajari juga 10 bagian tubuh wanita yang paling disukai para pria. Supaya pasangan Anda tidak pernah mau melewatkan malam tanpa meng-explore bagian-bagian itu terlebih dahulu.

Supaya pasangan betah untuk berlama-lama ditempat tidur bersama Anda. Hindari 10 hal berikut ini:

1. Jorok.
Mana ada sih pria yang betah berlama-lama dengan wanita yang tidak menjaga kebersihan tubuhnya? Jadi, jangan pernah lupa untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan tubuh, terutama bagian kewanitaan.

2. Kurang Bergairah.
Kita para wanita juga pastinya tidak suka kalau pasangan kurang bergairah saat berhubungan seks. Jadi, jangan lupa untuk tunjukkan gairah terbaik Anda ketika bercinta dengan pasangan.

3. Ungroomed Bikini Line
Bikini line yang rapih tentunya akan membuat tampilannya bersih dan menggairahkan. Jadi sudah tidak ada alasan lagi untuk tidak memperhatikan bagian ini. Ayo, mulai pupuk keberanian untuk pergi ketempat waxing. Dan buatlah bentuk bikini line yang paling oke!

4. Kurang suka Bereksperimen.
Eksperimen dalam bercinta bisa menambah gairah Anda dan pasangan. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk mencoba posisi-posisi baru.

5. Cerewet.
Wanita yang cerewet pastinya sudah dimaklumi oleh para laki-laki, kebanyakan dari mereka bilang itu adalah sifat yang umum dari seorang wanita. Tapi kalau cerewet ditempat tidur, sepertinya para pria sudah tidak bisa memakluminya lagi tuh, bisa-bisa gairahnya langsung hilang.

6. Tidak PD
Terlalu banyak mengeluh soal bentuk tubuh, misalnya selalu merasa gemuk, bentuk payudara yang kurang menarik, dsb, juga akan membuat pria jadi turn off. Percaya diri saja, pasangan Anda pasti akan lebih senang.

7. Anti Oral Seks.
Oral seks untuk sebagian besar laki-laki adalah aktivitas yang menantang dan menyenangkan. Jadi kalau pasangannya tidak suka melakukan oral seks, sepertinya mereka bisa jadi kurang bergairah untuk melanjutkan bercinta.

8. Terlalu Pendiam.
Kalau kaum wanita merasa tidak masalah dengan suasana yang sepi ketika berhubungan seks, berbeda dengan kaum pria. Suara-suara yang Anda keluarkan justru akan membuat pasangan semakin bergairah.

9. Terlalu berisik.
Yang sedang-sedang saja memang paling pas. Jadi, walaupun pria suka dengan suara-suara yang kita keluarkan, suara yang terlalu keras juga akan membuat Anda terlihat berlebihan.

10.Bermesraan setelah berhubungan seks.
Setelah berhubungan seks, para pria kurang suka untuk melanjutkan bermesra-mesraan. Mereka lebih memilih untuk tidur, atau malah melanjutkan pekerjaan lain. Jadi jangan merasa habis manis sepah dibuang kalau pasangan lebih memilih tidur setelah bercinta daripada membelai mesra Anda, karena memang kaum pria seperti itu.

Ayo, buat suami Anda tergoda dengan bagian-bagian tubuh Anda yang menjadi favoritnya. Ini dia 10 bagian tubuh wanita yang paling disukai para pria :

1. Payudara.
Rawatlah payudara Anda agar bentuknya selalu terjaga. Totok atau masker payudara adalah pilihan yang bagus. Dijamin akan membuat pasangan semakin bergairah.

2. Bokong.
Rajin-rajinlah melakukan gerakan-gerakan latihan untuk mengencangkan bagian ini. Karena bentuknya yang indah, akan membuat pasangan jadi makin penasaran.

3. Wajah.
Kerut-kerut dan juga flek hitam diwajah sepertinya akan membuat pasangan jadi sulit untuk turn on. Jadi, sudah waktunya untuk melakukan perawatan ekstra untuk bagian wajah Anda.

4. Mata.
Yang namanya cinta, bisa datang dari mata turun kehati. Begitu juga untuk urusan seks. Mata yang indah bisa membuat pasangan jadi tidak sabar untuk bercinta dengan Anda.

5. Kaki.
Sudah bukan rahasia lagi kalau kaki jenjang dan mulus selalu bisa mengundang fantasi para pria. Tapi kalau Anda merasa tidak memiliki kaki yang jenjang, jangan kecewa dulu. Asalkan terawat, bersih dan mulus pastinya bisa mengundang fantasi-fantasi erotis pasangan.

6. Jemari Kaki.
Menggoda pasangan dengan saling mengelus telapak dan jemari kaki sepertinya adalah salah satu trik foreplay yang cukup menjanjikan. Jemari kaki yang bersih dan indah, pastinya akan membuat foreplay jadi semakin menyenangkan. Jadi, weekend ini jangan lupa untuk pedicure ya.

7. Perut.
No wonder para pria berlomba-lomba membuat perutnya six pack. Ternyata bagian tubuh yang satu ini memang favorit mereka, termasuk bagian perut kita.

8. Bibir.
Banyak pria yang tergila-gila dengan bentuk bibir seorang Angelina Jolie. Nah, walaupun bentuk bibir Anda tidak sedahsyat yang dimiliki Angelina Jolie, tapi kalau selalu sehat dan tidak kering pasti juga bisa membuat pasangan tidak sabar untuk segera menyentuh dengan bibirnya.

9. Lengan.
Luangkan waktu untuk membentuk bagian lengan. Karena bagian ini juga merupakan bagian favorit para pria. Oke juga kan kalau sekali-sekali foreplay diawali dari bagian ini?

Tidak harus panjang kok, yang penting bersih dan wangi. Karena ketika pasangan mencium bagian rambut Anda yang bersih dan wangi, dijamin dia tidak sabar untuk segera meng-explore bagian tubuh yang lain.

Well. selamat mencoba! Dan semoga kehidupan seks Anda dan pasangan bisa semakin menyenangkan.

Orgasme ? who scarred ?

Wanita tidak mencapai orgasme dalam berhubungan seks sepertinya sudah sering kita dengar. Tapi, bagaimana kalau wanita merasa takut dirinya tidak akan pernah mencapai orgasme? Apakah Anda juga salah satunya? Sebelum kita cari tahu soal yang satu ini, coba anda baca article sebelum nya disini.

Perasaan takut tidak bisa mencapai orgasme pada wanita sebenarnya disebabkan oleh ketidaktahuan seseorang tentang keadaan tubuhnya sendiri. Hal terpenting yang harus dilakukan adalah, hilangkan perasaan yang merasa bahwa seks itu adalah sesuatu yang kotor dan buruk. Setelah itu, cobalah untuk mencari tahu tentang sex education dan belajarlah cara-cara untuk mencapai orgasme, yang pastinya tidak bisa terjadi secara otomatis.

Jadi, kalau Anda hanya berharap pasangan harus bisa membuat Anda merasakan orgasme, sepertinya itu adalah sesuatu yang sia-sia. Lebih baik, belajar dari buku tentang basic idea dari respons seksual, yang bisa meng-guide Anda step by step untuk mencapai orgasme.

Pelajari juga bagaimana rasanya ketika Anda mulai merasa terangsang, yaitu ketika darah didalam tubuh serasa mengalir cepat dan berpusat di organ genital Anda. Sebenarnya, orgasme itu adalah keadaan dimana tubuh Anda mengembalikan aliran darah ke seluruh tubuh dengan cepat, dimana Anda akan merasakan kedahsyatan yang luar biasa! Nah, sekali Anda merasakan perasaan ini, maka perasaan takut akan berkurang.

Tidak perlu terlalu khawatir, karena tidak sedikit kok wanita yang butuh pertolongan dari ahlinya untuk bisa merasakan orgasme, jadi Anda tidak sendirian. Terus belajar dan bersabar, itu kuncinya.

Don't Self-Sabotage Love

Have you ever secretly wondered if the reason your relationships don't last, might just really have something to do with you? Is it possible that you may be unknowingly self-sabotaging your chances for commitment and intimacy? Okay, so you may be thinking to yourself, "Well that's a bit harsh!"

But perhaps doing a quick self-check is just what you need to increase your chances for a healthy relationship. After all, the good news is that awareness is the first step to change. So start your check-up now!

Your suit of armour
Do you make your dates work too hard to get to know you? Do you play hard-to-get games? With each disappointment, we can add a little more to our shell, making it harder for someone to get close to us. But, hey, that's life! Pain is part and parcel of learning about life and love. If you try and avoid the pain that realistically can come with looking for love (by closing yourself off or hurting the object of your potential affections) before the relationship even gets started, then you may also be avoiding possible joy.

Scarlet letters
Do you find yourself attracting the wrong person repeatedly? Do you ignore the "wrong person" red flags early on because you're too blinded by hope and lust or plain old-fashioned neediness? If someone is not available - whether it means physically or emotionally - they're not going to change for you!

If someone tells you, you're "not my type" or they don't want "to settle down" or they'll "never be faithful"… do you ignore their honesty, or avoid a conversation and decide to yourself "Yeah, that's what they think!" Then when they remind you that they told you this before you so gallantly gave your heart away, you're devastated and confused. but it's not their fault - it's your very own denial!

Next time you start to get involved, listen and take note of the person's actions. Don't try to conquer love… let love happen where it is willing to happen and when it makes sense! Then you can take all that energy you would expend into trying to fix someone and put it into getting to know someone, instead. That's a lot more fun and fulfilling!

Movie stars aren't perfect
Once you're in a relationship, do you look for flaws in your partner or attempt to justify why, this too, will be a failed relationship? Do you wonder, "Do they have a soul?" because of the way they mangle the toothpaste tube, the funny way their hair parts over their ears, or because they don't love to golf? You need to stop and get real with your bad self. Remember, you're not perfect either.

To stop self-sabotaging potential for finding love we need to be blatantly honest with ourselves about whether we subconsciously believe that just anyone will do, or that no one will ever do. Part of finding a relationship is accepting other's for who they are, realizing that imperfections can be beautiful, and learning to relish another's idiosyncrasies. No union is ever going to be fairy tale perfect. The point is to find a person you can honestly love, who honestly loves, respects and adores you… and together you have the great potential to live life passionately - warts and all.

Be Joyful in Love

Whether you've just started dating or you've been together for years, one thing is probably true - as a couple, you and your partner could always be a little closer. After all, intimacy - of the true emotional kind as well as the sexual - is the glue of any relationship. Most of us want our lovers to be the person who knows us better than anyone else in the world… and yet, in the hustle and bustle of the day to day, fostering that closeness is one of the first things to fall by the wayside.

The good news is, getting (and staying!) tight with your mate doesn't require massive amounts of time. Just follow these five little ways to strengthen your relationship bond.
Get wired together…
While our cell phones, computers and blackberries keep us chained to work and chores, we rarely use technology as a tool of romance. And yet, it's one of the easiest ways to bond with a loved one - and it only takes a few seconds.

If you want to enhance the intimacy in your relationship, make it a point each day to do a little fact exchange with your mate. Whether it's by text, email or IM tell your lover a little something about you that they may not have known, and they can do the same in return. It doesn't matter if it's that your favorite color is green or that as a kid you wanted to be an astronaut - the details can be tiny tidbits or huge, life-changing moments. The point is to exchange information that makes you feel like you know each other better. What you learn - and what you share - might just surprise you!

Unplug together…
Just as important as finding ways to incorporate your lover into your every day insanity, is occasionally removing that insanity from the times you spend together. What does that mean you ask (you workaholic!)? It means it's time to unplug.

Take one day (maybe Sundays) - or if that's just too much, one night - and power down the phones, disconnect the computer and, if you're brave, turn off the television. Try cooking or playing a board game or giving each other massages - anything that involves absolutely no contact with the outside world for a stated period of time (at least several hours). While you may find it tough at first (they call them crack-berries for a reason, after all), what you'll gain as a pair will far outweigh the anxiety - and give you a chance to recharge, as individuals and as a team.

Learn something together
Odds are that as a couple you have some common interests, so why not explore them together? Take a class in something that appeals to both of you. Whether it's a six-week workshop or a single Saturday event, the experience will give you common ground and a shared experience.

Of course participating in any activity as a team is a great connection booster, but the particular appeal of learning something together is that you both start from a similar place. In other words, neither of you is playing the role of teacher - you're both students (save the role switching for later in the night!). Whether it's wine tasting, tennis or a foreign language, the best part is, you can go home and practice together.

Mix it up together…
Remember the days of the mix tape? Or if you're too young for that, the mix CD? Well, it might sound old fashioned, but a personally tailored music playlist (whether via I-Tunes or burned on CD), can reveal a lot about the person who makes it - and make the person who receives it feel special. So make one!

Music is universal shorthand. And whether you create a mix that reminds you of childhood, or a sultry soundtrack specifically for a night en casa, the point is to give your mate a window into the way you experience life… What the songs you select bring out in your lover may reflect a shared experience - or open you up to a new set of experiences to share.

Celebrate each other together…
One of the smallest things that makes the biggest difference in happy, close-knit relationships is attention to detail. Paying mind to the little things in your lover's life (say a particular work project that's about to come to a close, a favorite sports event that's coming up, a sleepy Sunday spent in bed together) is what separates you from the other people in each other's lives. So why not make something that means a lot to your partner a little more special by celebrating it? Get tickets to that game - even if you're not a fan. Cook their favorite meal the night that work project wraps - and surprise them with it. Make Sunday the day for breakfast in bed when they'd planned on mowing the lawn as usual. They'll appreciate that you took the time to notice and the time you'll share will do wonders to bring you closer.

Meet Your Soulmate

Where oh where art thou, already? Looking for a partner in this crazy dating world can seem like an endless stream of hopeful coffee dates and disappointment. The thing is, you just don't know how long it will take you to find your soulmate, but you do know that you will find them! So, here are some tips to speed up the process and get to your perfect match quicker.

Mix it up
If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you've got. One of the challenges of being single for an extended time is that you build a life that keeps you single! You get used to a safe predictable routine. You always go to the gym at the same time. You always walk your dog at the same time. You see the same faces at the grocery store. If you want change, you have to make a change. So, shake it up, completely! Each day for 30 days shake one thing up. Shop at a different store, walk your dog in a new dog park and get a guest membership at a gym across town. Many have one-week trial memberships, and yes, you may have to sit through a sales pitch, but hey, your soulmate might just be the gym trainer sitting right in front of you.

Don't say no
If a friend asks you to go to a soccer match and you don't know anything about soccer, go anyway! You may just meet the perfect person to explain the game to you - sitting in the next seat over. Go to parties or gatherings you may not have been open to in the past. Try lectures on things you know nothing about. It's the best way to open up your circle and show you're open to new things. Now that's something that's sexy and will get you noticed.

Look up!
Yup! It's just that simple. As you are trying out your alternative soulmate search lifestyle, look up and all around you. At this new grocery store that you have never shopped in before, look at the layout. Pick up items and really look at them before you toss them into your basket. People who are engaged in their task look interesting to others. In other words, get present in your space. It's all brand new and so is your outlook. Look up to remind yourself to keep your chin up and to see who else is shopping. If you do catch the eye of someone attractive, don't just shut it away in your mind. Wander a little closer, and give them a chance. Things may just be looking up.

Be intentional
Our lives are created through our intentions. We say we want to meet our soulmates, but is that our true intention? The days fill up with tasks and errands, work and obligations that without some deliberate intentions we are reduced to life as a worker bee, only focused on the task, unaware of the entirety of our efforts. So every morning, when you wake up, say this out loud so you can hear your voice and align your energy with your desire, "It is my intention to meet my soulmate within the next 30 days. Bring me to the exact right place at the exact right time and show me clearly who this is. I trust."

If meeting your soulmate were an exact science, it wouldn't be the inspirational journey that it is. And your soulmate is out there. In fact, people fall in love all over the world every day. So, start again, start fresh and let the universe hear your heart's desire. Get specific and see what the next month holds for you!

Easing the Seizures, and Stigma, of Epilepsy

Because of the strict Ketogenic diet that she is on to control her epilepsy, Nora Leitner gets frustrated after her mom wouldn't allow her to have any extra food at lunch.

In Brief:
Epilepsy affects millions of families worldwide; half of all epilepsy patients are children. The disease has long carried a stigma that persists today, hampering progress in care and public awareness.

Some 30 percent of patients, many of them children, have intractable seizures that cannot be controlled by existing treatments. The first thing you notice about 13-year-old Nora Leitner is the dark circles under her eyes. They stand in stark contrast to the rest of her appearance. At a glance she might be any petite, pretty tween girl, with her blond ponytail, elfin frame and thousand-watt smile, but the circles tell a different story. Nora looks as if she hasn’t slept in a month.

In a sense, she hasn’t. Nora has epilepsy, and as with 30 percent of those with the disorder, her seizures are not controlled by existing treatments.

She often has more than one seizure a day, mostly at night. Her seizures, called tonic-clonic (what used to be known as grand mal), cause her to lose consciousness for a full minute while her body convulses.

While some people feel an “aura” of symptoms before a seizure, Nora’s seizures happen entirely without warning. When she seized at the top of a staircase in her home in Yardley, Pa., it was plain luck that her parents were at the bottom and caught her as she fell. Though she is on the brink of adolescence, she is rarely, if ever, left alone.

Epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide and more than 2.7 million people in the United States; half of all patients are children. Especially in its intractable form, also called refractory epilepsy, the disorder — and the side effects of epilepsy medications — can cause problems in learning, memory and behavior, and indelibly alter development. Epilepsy can also consume families, monopolizing their time, money and energy.

Despite the number of people with epilepsy — the disorder affects more Americans than do Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s disease combined — it still carries a stigma that dates to ancient civilizations. Many patients, doctors and families say the stigma hampers care, public recognition and the ability to raise money for research.

“There is an ongoing, significant embarrassment level about it,” said Dr. Orrin Devinsky, director of the Epilepsy Center at New York University. “The feeling, for a lot of people, is that it does carry a lot worse stigma than a cancer, or an H.I.V. even. At some level, it’s society that needs to wake up and realize it’s just another neurologic disorder.”

Warren Lammert, who runs a financial firm in Boston and whose daughter has epilepsy, founded an organization in 2002 with Dr. Devinsky and two others to support research into new treatments. “It’s better today,” he said about public perceptions of the disorder. “But even among well-educated people, people don’t like to talk about epilepsy.”

While many public figures with cancer (or cancer in the family) are forthcoming about the illness, Mr. Lammert said, the same does not go for epilepsy. And though his organization, the Epilepsy Therapy Development Project, has two strong public representatives — the Olympic women’s hockey goaltender Chanda Gunn and the hip-hop artist D J Hapa — the disorder has never found an icon like Michael J. Fox, whose openness about Parkinson’s disease helps raise tens of millions of dollars a year for research.

Meanwhile, despite advances that have helped people with treatable epilepsy, the 30 percent rate for the intractable form has changed little in 40 years. “Refractory epilepsy remains an enormous problem,,” Dr. Devinsky said.

Epilepsy results from an electrical disturbance in the brain, though at various stages in history it has been thought of as evidence of a connection to the divine, a sign of demonic possession or the mark of a witch. The types of seizures vary from staring episodes or eye blinks to sudden falls or convulsions. All can be debilitating, depending on factors like frequency and the age when they start.

Comprehensive Epilepsy Centers, medical practices that specialize in treating the disorder at 50 hospitals around the nation, represent the gold standard in therapy. Treatments include anticonvulsant medications, which can have profound effects on memory, behavior and cognitive ability; the ketogenic diet, a restrictive plan that has had remarkable success in controlling seizures; an implanted stimulator that sends regular pulses of electricity to the brain; and surgery to remove an affected area of the brain.

In the last two decades, surgery has changed the landscape of epilepsy for many patients, including children. Yet Nora Leitner, like many others, is not a candidate for surgery because her seizures involve all of her brain, rather than a localized area.

For Nora, her parents, Lee and Kina Leitner, and her brother, Ethan, 7, epilepsy has become the center of the universe, governing decisions about everything from where to live to whether to go out to dinner.

“The level of frustration and the level of stress is just phenomenal,” said Ms. Leitner, 60, a resilient and energetic college professor.

Mr. Leitner, 49, also a professor, hates seeing Nora’s youth overwhelmed by the illness. “Her childhood is defined by this,” he said, “and it’s really sad.”

The Leitners’ experience is typical, Dr. Devinsky said, adding, “It involves everybody to an incredible degree.”

Looking back, the Leitners think Nora had her first seizure in utero two weeks before she was born. Her first recognized seizure happened when she was 4 ½ months old; a month later, she had five seizures in three days. The formal diagnosis came after her first birthday. Dr. Christina Bergqvist, Nora’s neurologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said Nora’s M.R.I. shows visible abnormalities in her brain.

The critical struggle in Nora’s care, as for many children with epilepsy, has been to safeguard her cognitive life. Children with intractable epilepsy display a wide range of abilities, from normal functioning to profound retardation. Nora falls somewhere in the mid-high range. Her speech is extremely slow and soft; she often frowns before answering a question, as if struggling to formulate her response. While her answers are usually accurate, her response time is slow, and she sometimes is not aware that she has been asked a question at all.

Yet beneath the layers of difficulty is a sharp mind, an avid reader in a home filled with books, a child whose favorite subject is science and who can discuss ancient Egyptian culture and identify common vertebrates and invertebrates. Despite her halting speech, she tells a reporter that her chore in the house is looking after the recyclable cans and bottles.

“Nora’s responsible for taking those out,” Ms. Leitner said. Her daughter added dryly, “Yeah, without asking.”

That child, and those submerged abilities, were what Ms. Leitner first saw clearly in 2000, when Nora went off a medication called Depakote. The side effects of anticonvulsant medications are often as disabling as seizures themselves, and Nora’s life on medication had begun at 6 months, when her doctor prescribed phenobarbital, a drug that causes cognitive and language delays.

“We were beside ourselves,” said Ms. Leitner, who teaches psychology at University of Maryland University College and who suddenly found herself putting her expertise to work for her own child. “One of my biggest concerns was, do we medicate her? I knew that the drugs they used to treat epilepsy were all cognitive depressants.”

It is the Solomon’s choice faced by parents of children with intractable epilepsy: risk the damage wrought by seizures, or the side effects of medication? Over the next five years Nora tried eight or nine medications, and in 2000, at age 6, she entered first grade taking two anticonvulsants, Depakote and Topamax, every day.

Then she caught a break. The Depakote made her so sleepy that Ms. Leitner rescheduled the lunchtime dose so she would be alert at school. After a few months, they dropped the midday dose entirely. Suddenly, a new Nora surfaced.

“It was a phenomenal change,” Ms. Leitner said. “She was awake, alert. We took away another dose; then that summer, we took the last one away and she started seizing again. But she had started talking, reading, everything she hadn’t done before; she never talked in full sentences until she was 6 years old. I wasn’t willing to go back.”

In October 2002, Nora went on the ketogenic diet. It is like the Atkins diet in overdrive: it mandates vast quantities of fats, like oil, which Nora drank from a small bottle, and almost no carbohydrates. Every morsel is weighed, and no deviations are allowed. Within weeks, Ms. Leitner said, there were pronounced changes in Nora’s abilities and attention span. Over the next 21 months, she had only two seizures.

But in the summer and fall of 2004, there were three more, and that October, while swimming at school, Nora had a seizure and nearly drowned. Within a year, she had begun to have a seizure or two a month as she entered puberty. In March 2006 she had a vagus nerve stimulator implanted, but her seizures became so frequent that the Leitners had the device turned off two months later. Since then, she has often had more than one seizure a day.

Families of children with intractable epilepsy often have a hard time getting the constellation of services they need. “Throughout the years, we’ve had to find things out for ourselves,” Ms. Leitner said. “Nobody ever said to us, ‘Nora needs speech therapy,’ or ‘Nora should see a developmental pediatrician.’ ”

Even finding the right school was a trial. The Leitners now drive Nora 30 miles each way to the Orchard Friends School in Moorestown, N.J., and they will begin home-schooling her in the fall.

Social isolation is a persistent issue. Schools may not want to include students with epilepsy on field trips; peers may not invite them for sleepovers. “A lot of it just seems to be awareness issues,” Mr. Leitner said. “Most people have never seen somebody have a seizure.”

Dr. Bergqvist agreed. “It is frightening to see a child seize,” she said. “And then based on that fright, people decide, ‘I can’t deal with that child.’ People still think it’s contagious.”

In late November 2006, the Leitners agreed to give the vagus nerve stimulator another try, but it made no difference in Nora’s seizure control. In fact, in the first half of 2007, her condition deteriorated to the point at which, on two separate days that summer, she had 19 full-blown seizures each day.

A few months earlier, in March 2007, Dr. Bergqvist had been surprised to discover that a genetic test on Nora came back positive for a mutation called SCN1A, which is linked to a variety of severe seizure disorders.

In August, Nora began taking stiripentol, a high-priced medication that has been approved in Europe, but not the United States, to treat patients with SCN1A mutations. (It is not covered by insurance plans in the United States.) In combination with two other medications, it brought her seizures completely under control at first. They have come and gone since, as Dr. Bergqvist and Ms. Leitner try to pin down the right combination of doses.

Nora typically feels best in the brief period immediately after a change in treatment, but the improvement is always fleeting.

“When we make a change to the VNS settings, she is fabulous for about two to four hours — really alert and awake and bright and on target, all there,” Ms. Leitner said. “And when we introduce a new drug, or when we change the dosing on a drug, she’ll go seizure-free for about two weeks. And then it’s like the brain finds a way of getting around the drug.”

So far, the new trio of medications has offered Nora a better level of control than almost any other treatment that the Leitners have tried over the years. In addition, last fall Nora went off the ketogenic diet and onto a less restrictive low-glycemic-index diet, freeing the Leitners to go to restaurants and travel as a family.

In the midst of all of this, Nora is having as typical a 13-year-old life as she can. She loves to swim and has taken gymnastics, piano lessons, tae kwon do, and hip-hop dance classes. Her bedroom brims with books, dolls and stuffed animals, and she eagerly shows off her huge repertoire of knock-knock jokes. She dotes on the family dog, Franklin, and the cat, Lily.

Dr. Bergqvist says Nora could experience a remission after she goes through puberty. Until then, the choices continue. But Ms. Leitner acknowledged that their approach may have to change. “At a certain point, I’m going to have to stop worrying about her ability to think and go for the seizure control,” she said.

But she knows that it will not be easy. “If she had always been the way she was before the diet, I probably wouldn’t be as dramatic about this as I am,” she said. “But I’ve seen what she can do.”

Dr. Devinsky says that families like the Leitners, torn as they may be over the correct path to take, are on the right track.

“If there’s a message, it’s not to give up,” he said. “They should do everything possible to maximize the quality of life of their child, but at the same time, never, ever give up. Because there will be other things coming down the pike.”

Getting the Most Out of Vegetables

By now, most people know they should be eating more vegetables. But are there ways to get more from the vegetables you already eat?

A growing body of research shows that when it comes to vegetables, it’s not only how much we eat, but how we prepare them, that influences the amount of phytochemicals, vitamins and other nutrients that enter our body.

The benefits are significant. Numerous studies show that people who consume lots of vegetables have lower rates of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, eye problems and even cancer. The latest dietary guidelines call for 5 to 13 servings — that is two and a half to six and a half cups a day. For a person who maintains her weight on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, this translates into nine servings, or four and a half cups a day, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. But how should they be served?

Surprisingly, raw and plain vegetables are not always best. In The British Journal of Nutrition next month, researchers will report a study involving 198 Germans who strictly adhered to a raw food diet, meaning that 95 percent of their total food intake came from raw food. They had normal levels of vitamin A and relatively high levels of beta carotene.

But they fell short when it came to lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes and other red-pigmented vegetables that is one of the most potent antioxidants. Nearly 80 percent of them had plasma lycopene levels below average.

“There is a misperception that raw foods are always going to be better,” says Steven K. Clinton, a nutrition researcher and professor of internal medicine in the medical oncology division at Ohio State University. “For fruits and vegetables, a lot of times a little bit of cooking and a little bit of processing actually can be helpful.”

The amount and type of nutrients that eventually end up in the vegetables are affected by a number of factors before they reach the plate, including where and how they were grown, processed and stored before being bought. Then, it’s up to you. No single cooking or preparation method is best. Water-soluble nutrients like vitamins C and B and a group of nutrients called polyphenolics are often lost in processing. For instance, studies show that after six months, frozen cherries have lost as much as 50 percent of anthocyanins, the healthful compounds found in the pigment of red and blue fruits and vegetables. Fresh spinach loses 64 percent of its vitamin C after cooking. Canned peas and carrots lose 85 percent to 95 percent of their vitamin C, according to data compiled by the University of California, Davis.

Fat-soluble compounds like vitamins A, D, E and K and the antioxidant compounds called carotenoids are less likely to leach out in water. Cooking also breaks down the thick cell walls of plants, releasing the contents for the body to use. That is why processed tomato products have higher lycopene content than fresh tomatoes.

In January, a report in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry concluded that over all, boiling was better for carrots, zucchini and broccoli than steaming, frying or serving them raw. Frying was by far the worst..

Still, there were tradeoffs. Boiling carrots, for instance, significantly increased measurable carotenoid levels, but resulted in the complete loss of polyphenols compared with raw carrots.

That report did not look at the effects of microwaving, but a March 2007 study in The Journal of Food Science looked at the effects of boiling, steaming, microwaving and pressure cooking on the nutrients in broccoli. Steaming and boiling caused a 22 percent to 34 percent loss of vitamin C. Microwaved and pressure-cooked vegetables retained 90 percent of their vitamin C.

What accompanies the vegetables can also be important. Studies at Ohio State measured blood levels of subjects who ate servings of salsa and salads. When the salsa or salad was served with fat-rich avocados or full-fat salad dressing, the diners absorbed as much as 4 times more lycopene, 7 times more lutein and 18 times the beta carotene than those who had their vegetables plain or with low-fat dressing.

Fat can also improve the taste of vegetables, meaning that people will eat more of them. This month, The American Journal of Preventive Medicine reported on 1,500 teenagers interviewed in high school and about four years later on their eating habits. In the teenage years, many factors influenced the intake of fruits and vegetables. By the time the study subjects were 20, the sole factor that influenced fruit and vegetable consumption was taste. Young adults were not eating vegetables simply because they didn’t like the taste.

“Putting on things that make it taste better — spices, a little salt — can enhance your eating experience and make the food taste better, so you’re more likely to eat vegetables more often,” Dr. Clinton said.

Because nutrient content and taste can vary so widely depending on the cooking method and how a vegetable is prepared, the main lesson is to eat a variety of vegetables prepared in a variety of ways.

As Susan B. Roberts, director of the energy metabolism laboratory at the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition, put it, “Eating a variety of veggies is especially important so you like them enough to eat more.”

Older Brain Really May Be a Wiser Brain

When older people can no longer remember names at a cocktail party, they tend to think that their brainpower is declining. But a growing number of studies suggest that this assumption is often wrong.

Instead, the research finds, the aging brain is simply taking in more data and trying to sift through a clutter of information, often to its long-term benefit.

The studies are analyzed in a new edition of a neurology book, “Progress in Brain Research.”

Some brains do deteriorate with age. Alzheimer’s disease, for example, strikes 13 percent of Americans 65 and older. But for most aging adults, the authors say, much of what occurs is a gradually widening focus of attention that makes it more difficult to latch onto just one fact, like a name or a telephone number. Although that can be frustrating, it is often useful.

“It may be that distractibility is not, in fact, a bad thing,” said Shelley H. Carson, a psychology researcher at Harvard whose work was cited in the book. “It may increase the amount of information available to the conscious mind.”

For example, in studies where subjects are asked to read passages that are interrupted with unexpected words or phrases, adults 60 and older work much more slowly than college students. Although the students plow through the texts at a consistent speed regardless of what the out-of-place words mean, older people slow down even more when the words are related to the topic at hand. That indicates that they are not just stumbling over the extra information, but are taking it in and processing it.

When both groups were later asked questions for which the out-of-place words might be answers, the older adults responded much better than the students.

“For the young people, it’s as if the distraction never happened,” said an author of the review, Lynn Hasher, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and a senior scientist at the Rotman Research Institute. “But for older adults, because they’ve retained all this extra data, they’re now suddenly the better problem solvers. They can transfer the information they’ve soaked up from one situation to another.”

Such tendencies can yield big advantages in the real world, where it is not always clear what information is important, or will become important. A seemingly irrelevant point or suggestion in a memo can take on new meaning if the original plan changes. Or extra details that stole your attention, like others’ yawning and fidgeting, may help you assess the speaker’s real impact.

“A broad attention span may enable older adults to ultimately know more about a situation and the indirect message of what’s going on than their younger peers,” Dr. Hasher said. “We believe that this characteristic may play a significant role in why we think of older people as wiser.”

In a 2003 study at Harvard, Dr. Carson and other researchers tested students’ ability to tune out irrelevant information when exposed to a barrage of stimuli. The more creative the students were thought to be, determined by a questionnaire on past achievements, the more trouble they had ignoring the unwanted data. A reduced ability to filter and set priorities, the scientists concluded, could contribute to original thinking.

This phenomenon, Dr. Carson said, is often linked to a decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex. Studies have found that people who suffered an injury or disease that lowered activity in that region became more interested in creative pursuits.

Jacqui Smith, a professor of psychology and research professor at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, who was not involved in the current research, said there was a word for what results when the mind is able to assimilate data and put it in its proper place — wisdom.

“These findings are all very consistent with the context we’re building for what wisdom is,” she said. “If older people are taking in more information from a situation, and they’re then able to combine it with their comparatively greater store of general knowledge, they’re going to have a nice advantage.”

For an All-Organic Formula, Baby, That’s Sweet

Amy Chase started feeding Similac Organic infant formula to her second son, Amos, as soon as he was born in November 2006.

“When I saw the organic at Publix, I bought it, no questions asked,” said Ms. Chase, a self-described “yoga mom” in Atlanta.

Like Ms. Chase, many American parents have rushed to embrace Similac Organic formula, even though it sells for as much as 30 percent more than regular Similac. In 2007, its first full year on sale, it captured 36 percent of the organic formula market, with sales of more than $10 million, according to Kalorama Information, a pharmaceutical-industry research firm. (Similac’s parent company, Abbott Laboratories, does not release sales figures for individual products.)

Parents may be buying it because they believe that organic is healthier, but babies may have a reason of their own for preferring Similac Organic: it is significantly sweeter than other formulas. It is the only major brand of organic formula that is sweetened with cane sugar, or sucrose, which is much sweeter than sugars used in other formulas.

No health problems in babies have been associated with Similac Organic. But to pediatricians, there are risks in giving babies cane sugar: Sucrose can harm tooth enamel faster than other sugars; once babies get used to its sweeter taste, they might resist less sweet formulas or solid foods; and some studies suggest that they might overeat, leading to rapid weight gain in the first year, which is often a statistical predictor of childhood obesity.

Asked about these concerns, Carolyn Valek, a spokeswoman for Abbott Nutrition, the division of Abbott Laboratories that makes Similac Organic, said that sucrose had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and was considered “safe and well established.” Ms. Valek said that Similac Organic had no more sweetener than other formulas and that prolonged contact with any kind of sugar could cause tooth decay.

In Europe, where sudden increases in childhood obesity are a pressing public health issue, sucrose-sweetened formulas will be banned by the end of 2009, except when ordered by a doctor for babies with severe allergies. The 27 countries of the European Union adopted the new rules according to the recommendations of the group’s Scientific Committee on Food, which found that sucrose provided no particular nutritional advantages, could, in rare cases, bring about a fatal metabolic disorder, and might lead to overfeeding.

The F.D.A., however, which regulates infant formula, does not specify which sugars can be used, as long as they are already classified as safe. Nor does it set the amount of sugar per serving, as it does for fats and proteins.

Still, a number of pediatricians said they were surprised by the choice of sucrose.

“I would be very concerned about this as a pediatrician,” said Dr. Benjamin Caballero, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and an expert in risk factors for childhood obesity. “The issue is that sweet tastes tend to encourage consumption of excessive amounts,” Dr. Caballero said. Evidence shows that babies and children will always show a preference for the sweetest food available, he said, and they will eat more of it than they would of less-sweet food.

“This is how breakfast cereal manufacturers compete,” he said.

Ms. Valek of Abbot Nutrition said the company did not “optimize for taste” when developing infant formula. “Our primary focus is to support normal growth through optimal nutrition and quality ingredients,” she said.

Organic formula, with sales of about $20 million annually, makes up only a sliver of the $2.5 billion formula market, according to A.C. Nielsen, the market research company. Similac Organic, analysts say, is largely responsible for the nearly tenfold growth in sales of organic formula from 2005 to 2007. According to the federal Department of Agriculture, which regulates organic labeling, a product can be labeled organic when 95 percent of its ingredients are grown without the use of certain pesticides and herbicides.

All infant formulas contain added sugars, which babies need to digest the proteins in cow’s milk or soy. Other organic formulas, like Earth’s Best and Parent’s Choice, use organic lactose as the added sugar. Organic lactose must be extracted from organic milk, the global supplies of which have been severely stretched in the last three years, driving up the price of the lactose.

“The parents in my practice who would use organic formula are the same parents who would be worried about giving sweets to their babies,” said Dr. Jatinder Bhatia, a member of the nutrition committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “That organic formula would be sweeter might not be a health risk, but it certainly isn’t what the parents have in mind.”

Kim Kupferman, a technology consultant in San Leandro, Calif., said she tended to trust the organic label. Her 7-month-old daughter, Saige, eats Similac Organic and a few organic solid foods. “But sugar is a concern for us — that’s why we started her on vegetables rather than fruits, so she wouldn’t get used to the sweet taste first.” Ms. Kupferman said, adding that she might re-evaluate her choice of formula.

Many doctors have long believed that all sugars, from raw cane to highly processed high-fructose corn syrup, are nutritionally identical. But others disagree. Ivan de Araujo, a fellow at the John B. Pierce Laboratory at Yale University School of Medicine, a center for sensory research, said scientists were beginning to tease out the differences.

“Recent studies show that animals have a clear preference for sucrose over other sugars,” Dr. Araujo said. And eating sucrose, he said, generates future cravings for sucrose; other sugars tested, like fructose and glucose, do not have the same long-term effect.

However, Gary K. Beauchamp, director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, a nonprofit research institute, said there was no solid proof that early exposure to sweetness gave babies a greater taste for sugar later in life. “The taste for sweet may be pegged so high that it can’t go any higher,” Dr. Beauchamp said.

The overall question of whether sweeter foods are more appealing to babies has long since been resolved. “Babies love sweetness, and anyone selling a sweeter formula is going to have an advantage, because it would be harder to switch a baby to another formula once they get used to the taste,” said Dr. William J. Klish, director of the pediatric gastroenterology department at Baylor College of Medicine and a former chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ nutrition committee.

The sweeter taste of Similac Organic was observed by a professional sensory-tasting panel, commissioned by The New York Times to do a blind tasting of eight nationally available formulas, soy and dairy, organic and not. Seven of the formulas were as sweet as unsweetened apple juice, said Gail Civille, the director of Sensory Spectrum, which performed the tests. Ms. Civille said Similac Organic was the sweetest, with “the sweetness of grape juice or Country Time lemonade."

Doctors say that parents need not worry about the precise composition of formula, because the product over all has been proved safe and effective. But many questioned Similac’s choice of cane sugar, which has been gradually disappearing from infant formula since the 1950s.

“The entire enterprise of formula is the attempt is to make it as close as possible to human milk,” Dr. Beauchamp said. “Making sweeter formula so that babies like it more seems to me contrary to the ethos of organic food, as a doctor and as a grandfather.”

For Smokers, Quitting Is Tied to Social Circles

For years, smokers have been exhorted to take the initiative and quit: use a nicotine patch, chew nicotine gum, take a prescription medication that can help, call a help line, just say no. But a new study finds that stopping is seldom an individual decision.

Smokers tend to quit in groups, the study finds, which means smoking cessation programs should work best if they focus on groups rather than individuals. It also means that people may help many more than just themselves by quitting: quitting can have a ripple effect prompting an entire social network to break the habit.

The study, by Dr. Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School and James Fowler of the University of California, San Diego, followed thousands of smokers and nonsmokers for 32 years, from 1971 until 2003, studying them as part of a large network of relatives, co-workers, neighbors, friends and friends of friends.

It was a time when the percentage of adult smokers in the United States fell to 21 percent from 45 percent. As the investigators watched the smokers and their social networks, they saw what they said was a striking effect — smokers had formed little social clusters and, as the years went by, entire clusters of smokers were stopping en masse. So were clusters of clusters that were only loosely connected.

Dr. Christakis described watching the vanishing clusters as like lying on your back in a field, looking up at stars that were burning out. “It’s not like one little star turning off at a time,” he said. “Whole constellations are blinking off at once.”

As cluster after cluster of smokers disappeared, those that remained were pushed to the margins of society, isolated, with fewer friends, fewer social connections. “Smokers used to be the center of the party,” Dr. Fowler said, “but now they’ve become wallflowers.”

“We’ve known smoking was bad for your physical health,” he said. “But this shows it also is bad for your social health.”

Smokers, he said, “are likely to drive friends away.”

Their paper is to be published Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine.

“There is an essential public health message,” said Richard Suzman, director of the office of behavioral and social research at the National Institute on Aging, which financed the study.

“Obviously, people have to take responsibility for their behavior,” Mr. Suzman said. But a social environment, he added, “can just overpower free will.”

With smoking, that can be a good thing, researchers noted.

But there also is a sad side. As Dr. Steven Schroeder of the University of California, San Francisco, pointed out in an editorial accompanying the paper, “a risk of the marginalization of smoking is that it further isolates the group of people with the highest rate of smoking — persons with mental illness, problems with substance abuse, or both.”

These are people, Dr. Schroeder notes, who already suffer from being stigmatized.

It is not clear how to resolve that problem, Dr. Fowler said. “What we are seeing is that there is a fundamental trade-off to having a campaign to really change people’s behavior,” he said.

Dr. Christakis and Dr. Fowler published a similar study last year on obesity, asking about the rise of a health problem.

The new study also looked at smoking initiation but, because many more adults were stopping smoking than starting in the years of the study, its main focus was on cessation. Still, Dr. Christakis said, smoking initiation followed the same patterns as cessation: people started and stopped smoking in groups.

Such studies of social networks and behavior like smoking are extremely difficult because what is needed is detailed information on people’s behavior and the behavior of their family, their relatives, their neighbors and co-workers, their friends and their friends of friends. Dr. Christakis and Dr. Fowler discovered one data set that had what they needed but, they and others say, there may not be any others.

The data were from the federal Framingham Heart Study. It was initiated after World War II to follow the population of Framingham, Mass., in order to understand the causes and consequences of heart disease. Researchers regularly examined the study participants, weighing them, doing medical exams, asking them whether they smoked. In order to keep track of the subjects over the years, even if they moved away, the investigators asked for the names and contact information of close friends, co-workers and neighbors.

That meant, though, that the data set also contained all the information that would be needed for an analysis of social networks and the spread of obesity or, in this case, for an analysis of social networks and the decline in smoking, Dr. Christakis and Dr. Fowler realized.

The researchers focused on 5,124 people in the Framingham study who had 53,228 friends, relatives and neighbors as part of their social networks.

They noticed that, on average, smokers clustered in groups of three. Over the years, as fewer and fewer Americans smoked, the number of clusters declined but the clusters that remained stayed the same size, which meant that smokers were not stopping smoking one by one. They were stopping in groups.

Education also played a role. Those with more education were more highly influenced by their friends, and their friends were more likely to influence them. And some social contacts were more influential than others. A spouse’s quitting was more powerful than a friend’s, and a friend’s quitting was more powerful than a sibling’s. If someone you name as a friend quits, that has more of an effect than if someone who names you as their friend quits. Co-workers had an influence only in small firms where everyone knew one another. The effects were greater among casual smokers than heavy smokers.

The study and the obesity study that preceded it, said Duncan Watts, principal research scientist at Yahoo! Research in New York, provide a new view of society.

“We tend to think of individuals as atomized units, and we think of policies as good or bad for individuals,” Dr. Watts said. “This reminds us that we are all connected to each other, and when we do something to one person, there are spillover effects.”

And, he added, when the same sort of effects show up in the spread of obesity as in the decline of smoking, that should be a signal.

“Something very powerful is going on here,” Dr. Watts said

Write by: NYTimes

Denim trends

From some time now I’ve been checking denim trends every season. You just can’t leave this fabric out from your wardrobe.

Everyone can wear it almost everywhere. And every season fashion designers come up with different cuts, styles, shades.

This season is a good time to renew your denim wardrobe. There is the skinny dark jean – drop, medium or the newcomer high waist- that can be worn with everything from striped t-shirts to jersey tops or feminine blouses.

As the basic denim wardrobe needs two pairs, a dressing up one and a casual one, you can choose men style jeans in the latter case. Chic and lean with side pockets or very loose and with suspenders, men style jeans can be successfully worn with crisp shirts and vests for a polished look, with short cropped jackets or with collegiate tops.

There are other ways of refreshing that denim wardrobe: loose shorts, workman like shirts or, my favorite, a sexy jumpsuit worn with ankle boots.

Diamonds are my new best friends

I admit that, until now, I did not have a very good opinion on diamond jewelry - I don't know why but I just always related them with a lack of taste, useless starlets (a.k.a. footballers' wives) and a cruel way of showing ones wealth (something like endangered species furs).

This was my impression until I stepped upon Apples of Gold Jewelry, an online seller specializing in gold jewelry, wedding rings, diamond rings and gemstone jewelry. What is great about this company, whose name derives from the Book of Proverbs, is its commitment for ethics, integrity and honesty in business, which is a rare thing when speaking about the luxury market in general, and about diamonds, in particular.

They offer high quality merchandise, favoring unique styles, together with affordable pricing, often 50% below standard retail. I already set my eyes on a $265.00 diamond ring and, if an independent blogger affords diamonds, these are clearly reasonable prices.

They're newest line of colored diamonds brings a fresh vibe in the diamond jewelry business. This is a slick, fashionable range of minimalist and floral designs, which are both modern and classy and, moreover, less expensive than a traditional white diamond. Along with these contemporary designs, Apples of Gold Jewelry revives some of the most wonderful antique designs in Victorian and Art Deco style, mixing the modern multi-stone look with intricate and lace effect.

My favorite precious metal is the white gold, as you might have noticed, but the offer also includes a wide range of yellow and rose gold diamond rings as well as two and tri-color gold jewelry. These are true treasures that will last through generations.

Minta Maaf ke Mantan? Kenapa engga?

Seberapa penting sih minta maaf ke mantan kalau mau ngajak balik? Well, FYI apology is the most important thing! Apalagi kalau dulu hubungannya berakhir dengan cara yang kurang mengenakkan. Kadang-kadang, permintaan maaf yang simple saja jadi terkesan nggak cukup. Kalau tidak minta maaf, malah dibilang tidak menghormati. Jadi harus gimana dong?

Awalnya sih, mantan punya alasan cukup kuat untuk mengakhiri hubungan. Nah, kalau Anda nggak melihat alasan tersebut, jangan langsung berasumsi kalau itu cuma salah satu fase buruk dalam hubungan Anda berdua. Lalu Anda jadi berpikir, "Nanti juga kalau dia sudah bisa get over dari masalah itu, dia akan telephone saya dan ngajak balik." Nah, asumsi yang seperti ini nih yang harus dibenahi.

Sebenarnya sih hal seperti ini jarang terjadi. Karena, putus itu adalah sebuah situasi yang serius dan harus ditangani secara serius juga. Nah, kita nggak akan ngebahas gimana caranya untuk meminta maaf sama mantan, tapi lebih kepada hal-hal apa saja sih yang nggak boleh diucapkan waktu meminta maaf.

Kalau Anda membaca artikel ini, berarti Anda diasumsikan sebagai pihak yang bersalah dan sedang merasa tersiksa oleh satu hal yang tidak Anda lakukan atau katakan. Nah, kunci untuk melakukan permohonan maaf yang efektif ketika akan minta balik lagi sama mantan adalah, being a little humble. Lupain deh semua hal pernah terjadi sebelumnya, kalau Anda nggak mau semuanya jadi berakhir sia-sia.

Ego, adalah penyebab utama, karena setiap manusia adalah makhluk yang sangat individualis. Yang ada dibenak setiap orang pastinya adalah, "saya nggak pernah salah, tapi orang lain pasti berbuat salah". Selalu saja ada alasan kenapa Anda melakukan suatu hal. Tapi tenang, itu bukan kesalahan Anda kok, karena Anda hanyalah korban dari keadaan.

Let's face it, yang namanya manusia pasti ga akan pernah mau mengaku salah. Tapi, ada waktu-waktu tertentu dimana Anda perlu melakukannya. Nggak hanya mengakui kesalahan, tapi juga jujur tentang kesalahan hal itu.

Satu rahasia untuk bisa melakukan permohonan maaf yang efektif ke mantan pacar adalah kejujuran, coba anda baca disini. That's it! Nggak kurang, nggak lebih.

Coba pikir, Anda telah melakukan semua hal untuk bisa balik lagi sama mantan. Dan akhirnya, Anda mendapatkan kesempatan itu. Tapi, ada satu hal yang belum dilakukan, yaitu meminta maaf.

Lalu Anda mengatakan hal ini ke mantan..."Hubungan ini benar-benar berarti banget buat aku, you mean so much to me. Aku benar-benar minta maaf. Tapi..." atau "Hubungan ini benar-benar berarti banget buat aku, you mean so much to me. Aku bener-bener minta maaf, tapi kamu harus menyadari kalau kamu..."

See? Nggak enak banget kan? Semua kata-kata "TAPI" itu hanya akan menghapus all the good work yang sudah pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Yang harus diingat, Anda bukanlah si pemegang kendali. Sebesar apapun ego Anda, the control is in your ex!

Keputusan ada ditangannya, apakah mau menerima Anda lagi atau tidak. That's why, mereka nggak akan pernah mau mendengar kata "TAPI....".

Karena kata "TAPI" itu hanya akan membuat semua permintaan maaf itu menjadi satu hal yang nggak "sakral" lagi. Nah, kalau Anda mau melewati jalan pintas untuk bisa balik lagi sama mantan, just follow the rule, do the apologize with no "TAPI"... Good luck

Pakaian seksi dapat membunuh pria!! Hati-hati

Mungkin Anda fikir berpakaian seksi dapat menyenangkan pria, namun jangan salah. Sebuah penelitian menunjukan bahwa seorang pria dapat terbunuh karena melihat perempuan berpakaian seksi.

Di zaman modern, perempuan bebas memilih, termasuk cara berpakaian. Banyak perempuan yang mengekspresikan diri lewat pakaian yang terbuka, rok mini, kain transparan juga potongan dada yang rendah.

Ternyata kebiasan berpakaian perempuan yang semakin lama semakin bebas berpengaruh pada kesehatan pria, bahkan bisa membuat kaum adam terbunuh.

Dengan melihat wanita seksi dalam berpakaian, para pria harus berusaha keras untuk menahan gairahnya tanpa bisa melampiaskan hasratnya tersebut. Kondisi tersebut yang terus menerus menimbulkan berbagai penyakit pada pria. Termasuk stres dan kanker prostat.

Peneliti di Amerika Serikat telah melakukan penelitian selama 30 tahun. Hasilnya mereka menemukan bahwa 80 persen pria berumur di atas 60 tahun meninggal karena kanker prostat dan penyakit lainnya karena hasratnya yang tak tersalurkan.

Selain itu ditemukan juga, pria-pria berumur 30 tahunan memiliki gangguan impotensi karena tidak mencapai kepuasan seksual terus-menerus.

Resiko fatal akibat bayi duduk terlalu lama

Hati-hati bila Anda mendudukkan buah hati saat mengendarai mobil. "Bayi yang berada dalam posisi duduk terlalu lama akan sangat berisiko menyebabkan kematian mendadak," menurut salah seorang dokter di Kanada.

Kesimpulan itu didapat setelah Dokter tersebut bersama rekannya, selama 10 tahun meneliti bayi yang meninggal dunia akibat didudukkan di kursi belakang mobil.

Dari total 409 bayi yang meninggal tanpa diketahui sebabnya, sebanyak 3% bayi meninggal dunia saat berada dalam posisi duduk di kursi belakang mobil.

Menurut Dokter, dengan membandingkan tingkat oksigen dalam darah bayi antara posisi duduk dan berbaring, bayi diketahui hanya boleh berada dalam posisi duduk tidak lebih dari 1 jam. Lebih dari waktu tersebut, saluran pernapas si bayi akan terganggu sehingga berkontribusi menyebabkan kematian.